Clyde’s Corner | September 2024

Welcome to Clyde's Corner

Back to school and ready for fall adventures! 🍁📚 Our classrooms are buzzing with excitement as we kick off a season full of learning, laughter, and colorful leaves 🎒🍂



  • Grandparents Day TEA PARTY Celebration will be held on Friday September 6th from 3:30 - 4:30pm! 🍵🫖👴🏼👵🏼 We will be inviting ALL grandparents to come check out where their loved one attends school. This will give the kiddos an opportunity to show off their friends and classrooms and also allow for our Big Red Barn Family to grow! We are so excited to meet all the amazing humans that played a part in creating the best families and children around🥰
  • Sod Update: Due to financial considerations, we're holding off on laying down sod for now. We appreciate your understanding and are excited to move forward when the time is right! 🌰🌱
  • Staff now have BrightWheel on their phones! With more devices to post on, teachers will be able to delegate documenting tasks which will result in prompt communication responses and getting updates posted in a timely manner.
  • Parents Night Out for September will be on Saturday 9/28 from 4-8pm, dinner will be provided! Sign up here!
  • Looking for a Sitter? We now have our sitter information posted on the parent portal under the resource tab! You can also access it here!


Part of The Big Red Barn Difference is that our staffing team is united as one and are interchangeable. We HIGHLY encourage all of our staff to visit all of our classrooms and to create bonds center wide, not just in their homerooms. That being said, we hope that you all see other teachers immersed in your child's classroom and please never hesitate to introduce yourself if you are not familiar with a teacher! We have the biggest hearts when it comes to staff members and it is a pleasure to watch them love on ALL The Big Red Barn children. Please take a moment to visit our Meet Our Staff page which has a short bio from each of our teachers to get to know teachers center wide! We will also start making intro videos to give you a little snap shot of each of the amazing humans who are on our team, so keep a look out for those!

Upcoming Events:

    • Save the date for our first OKTOBERFEST + CHILI COOK OFF - Saturday October 12th
    • October's Parent Night Out will be on Friday 10/25 from 6-10pm, Sign up ----> here!
      • As always, dinner and movie will be provided!
    • 🎃 Trunk - or - Treat 🍫🍭 - Thursday October 31st ***We will ask for parent participation for this event!***
    • DATE CHANGE - Due to staff schedule implications, Parent Teacher Conferences will now be on - Sunday November 3rd

I Love You Rituals

Adapted from Conscious Discipline, I Love You Rituals are playful, one-on-one interactions that build loving bonds while increasing attention span, decreasing power struggles and promoting language and literacy at school or at home. These brain-building interactions facilitate optimal development for young children and create lifelong bonds between children and adults.

There will now be an I Love You Ritual on every newsletter! For that entire month, our teachers will be doing the same I Love You Ritual center wide! 🥰 You can also do these I Love You Rituals at home too!


   Georgie Porgie 

This poem gives you the opportunity to expand the concept of gifts with children. True gifts are the love we share with each other, not material goods. Children learn that a smile is a gift of joy to be treasured. As you expand on this rhyme, you can ask your child for other "gifts" that can be given, such as a wink or a hug and include them in the poem! Other possible gifts are pinky hugs (intertwined pinkys), thumb touches, and blow / catching a kiss! Stand or sit facing each other to begin this I Love You Ritual.

"Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie.

Grab the child's hands with yours

Gave his friend a big high five!

With both hands, execute a loving gentle high five with the child. *You can always change the action you do*

With his friend he loved to play

Holding your hands in front of you with your fingers pointing up and palms facing the child. This is a fast, happy motion as if you were tickling each other's fingertips while making this delightful motion OR you can also use the sign for 'play'

A gift of a smile he gave each day" 

With a big smile, put your hands up to your face and, in essence, use your hands to "blow" a smile to the child.

Here is a video example of this ritual with 2 students, here is one of an infant/toddler teacher during a diaper change. You can do this at any point during the day, breakfast, diaper changes, dressing, washing hands, ect. Remember, the opportunities are endless!

🌼 The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn🌼

As always, NEVER hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.


Staffing Updates

Due to a family emergency that took her out of the state, Ms. Taylynn is no longer with us at The Barn. We, teacher sand students alike will miss her so much, but also understand that family always comes first. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and best wishes over the next few weeks❤️

What have our staff been up to!?

I am glad you asked! Here at the Barn, we love to encourage our staff members to further their education, take professional development trainings and collaborate with other teachers! Check out what they have been up to!

  • Mrs. Madison is working towards her ECE Teaching Certification and has enrolled in an Expanding Quality in Infant | Toddler Care class! ✨
  • Ms. Alicia is actively taking courses to work towards her Directors / Coaching certificate ✨
  • Ms. Maisey is currently working towards her Associates in Early Childhood Education at Colorado Mountain College. In the future, she plans to continue her education towards a Bachelors in the ECE field! ✨
  • Ms. Sage is also working towards furthering her education and towards her ECE Teaching Certification and will be enrolling in formal education later this Fall! ✨

We are so proud of all our staff members and their commitment to our children and their commitment to continuing their education in this field!

Upcoming Student Birthdays!🎂

Ava | 18th

Upcoming Staff Birthdays!🎂

Ms. Maisey | 7th

Mrs. Kathleen | 10th

Mrs. Madison | 14th



Our space is now available to rent! - Help us spread the word!

Are you looking for the perfect and private space to host your child’s birthday party? What about your weekend nanny share? Do you need a change of scenery? How about a fun parents night where you can hang at The Barn with your kiddos?

The options are literally ENDLESS! Please reach out if interested in our space. It is available any time on weekends and anytime after 6 on weekdays! Packages start as low as $250. We are a preschool by day, event center by night, and have 4 rooms available for rent, all purposed for different age groups from infants all the way to school aged kiddos. We also have 2 fenced outdoor play spaces available for rent! Contact us at [email protected] to get your event or night out scheduled today!

Clyde’s Corner Tidbit

When your child is upset, take a deep breath and focus on connection before correction.

By showing empathy and understanding, you help them feel safe,

which opens the door for teaching and growth.