Clyde’s Corner | January 2025
Welcome to Clyde's Corner
🎉Happy New Year!🎉
Welcome 2025, We are so excited to see what you have in store for us!

Monthly Updates:
- Santa visited The Barn🎅 and he was a hit! If you haven't already, check out and download your child's photo with Santa here.
- Throughout the next couple of months we will be revamping our Extracurricular programs! These 8 different extracurriculars were always meant to be a staple at The Barn and something that sets us apart. That being said, we are finally in a position to create more structure around these. We will be bringing on more professionals for each of these programs and will begin to offer them daily, instead of sporadically throughout the months. This will be a process as we find the best fit professionals so be on the lookout for more updates. We are also in the midst of creating new classroom schedules to accommodate these daily. Over the course of this month, teachers will be trying out new schedules and we will send finalized ones once we find what works for the center as a whole.
- Pick up and Drop off Reminder: please make sure to only park on THE RIGHT SIDE of our pull through driveway. The left side of the driveway needs to be left open for other families to exit the parking lot and in case of any emergency, we need that space clear and open.
- Parent's Night Out for January will be held on Saturday, the 18th from 4-8 pm. Please RSVP using this survey.
- It has recently come to my attention that many of our families are unaware of the deep familial connections at The Barn, and I truly believe that being family-owner and operated makes us who we are! Check out this diagram on the website to see the family ties, because when we say family owned and operated we mean it!💕
- Baby PTO: Now that we have reached our 1 year of operation many of you have also hit your 1 year start date anniversary or are about to in the coming month! Here are a few reminders regarding this milestone:
- There is an annual registration fee of $150 that will be charged to your account due on your anniversary date.
- After you have been with us for a year, you recieve 1 weeks worth of free childcare (Baby PTO) when your child does not attend for you to use whenever you would like! If you are taking a week off from The Barn for a vacation please make sure to let Ashley know 3 weeks prior to the date so I can make accommodations on the correct invoices.
- These days must be used all together for a weeks worth of vacation and can not be separated to use on individual absent days throughout the year.
- These days are use it or lose it and will not roll into the next year. However, the "Baby PTO" days will restart every anniversary date
- Your account must be paid in full and you must be in good financial standing with The Big Red Barn in order to request the use of "Baby PTO"
- If you are a fulltime family you will recieve 5 free days, if you are part time you will recieve your respective 2 or 3 free days
- Please let Ashley know if you have any questions!
- It was so much fun to display your student's artwork at the Belmar Library and if you did not get the chance to stop by and see it, you can check it out below!

Expansion Updates
We are set to submit for permits within the next 2 weeks! While this is an exciting first step, we will still not have an opening date until we hear back from the city. Fingers crossed it is a smooth and quick process. In other news, our Little Red Barn website is live! Check it out at!

Upcoming February Events:
- February Parent's Night Out will be hosted on Saturday February 8th from 4 pm - 8pm. Fill out this form to sign up!
- Valentine's Day Classroom Parties will be held on Friday, February 14th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Parent's are always welcome!

Staffing Updates
Meet our new additions!
Ms. Sam | Pre-K Teacher
It came to my attention that she was missed on the last newsletter, and we could not forget about her spotlight! Ms. Sam has been an incredible addition to The Big Red Barn family and we can't wait to continue to watch her create more meaningful bonds with your children. Check out her bio here.
Exciting News!
As many of you know from past newsletters, Ms. Alicia has been working very hard over the course of the past 6 months to gain her credentials and some experience on the administration side of ECE. A few months back she received her Large Center Director Qualification and has been taking classes to gain more knowledge on coaching ECE teachers. She is an incredible educator and I am trilled to announce that she will begin to make her transition into the fulltime director role at The Big Red Barn. This will be a slow transition as we find the best fit replacement within the Porcupette room to partner with Ms. Emily, and do not worry Ms. Alicia will never be far from our classrooms. Please make sure to give her a big congratulations the next time you see her as this has taken a lot of hard work and dedication.

Upcoming Student Birthdays!🎂
Mateo | 1/7 Philip | 1/8 Nora N. | 1/17
James | 1/19 Cohen | 1/24 Eloise W. | 1/25
Upcoming Staff Birthdays!🎂
Ms. Hailey | 1/19
Clyde’s Corner Tidbit
At every moment, you have the choice between approaching the world
with a spirit of love and learning or one of fear and punishing.
Choose the conscious choice to be disciplined in love.