New Schedule | 7/29 – 8/9

New Schedule | 7/15 – 7/26

New Schedule | 7/1 – 7/12

New Schedule | 6/17 – 6/28

Clyde’s Corner | June 2024

Welcome to Clyde’s Corner

 😎 ☀️ 🌻  June is Summer Time 🌼 ☀️ 😎

Half way around the sun being open!🥳 WOO HOOO! Ladies, you all are such rockstars and this past month has been amazing! The amount of teamwork that has been shown between everyone has truly been a blessing to see. Thank you SO much!  ♥️ 



Monthly Updates | Reminders:


  • Mother’s day celebration was a success! Sprinkles, sprinkles, EVERYWHERE!🎊
  • Be sure to take time during the week to observe each child so you can do a little more individualized teaching/assessing. Parent Teacher conferences will be in the fall! (Date TBD) You don’t want to fall behind or be stressed the week prior to conferences.
  • Have you recently changed out any toys? What about books? This is a great way to get your kiddos excited again!
  • Blackout Days on the employee calendar means NO more requests off. Either too many staff members have already requested off or no requests off will be granted that day. Please check the staff portal calendar for these blackout dates prior to requesting or booking anything.
  • Please make sure when you are clocking in, NO more than 5 minutes prior to your shift start time. When taking lunch, you need to be taking your full hour. Also, if you are running behind or having a hard time getting everything completed before your shift ends, please let admin know prior to staying late. We are a team, there is no I in team, we are here to help 😊
  • EAST classrooms (Ducklings & Roosters), please keep the binds drawn until the sun is not beating in on y’all. This will help maintain a cool temp. in your rooms longer.
  • Lights need to be off in your rooms when no one is in there, so when going outside please hit the lights! Thank you! Reduce & Save 💡😊
  • The Staff party on July 5th has been CANCELED  We will reschedule and keep you all posted! 😎
  • We have done formal observations this month and as we look at it, we are still learning the most beneficial and effective ways to observe and follow up with lead teachers. With that being said, this months observations were more of a trail run. Please continue to look at the calendar for next months observations and teacher follow ups that will occur within the same day or week of the observation.
  • We have had a handful of teachers say they wanted their info passed on to families for babysitting! I wanted to review the babysitting policy that all parents are aware of:                                                                                    Negotiations regarding babysitting between staff and parents do not involve The Big Red Barn and must be done on the staff members personal time (non-working hours). Hours, fees, and transportation are an agreement between the parent and the individual babysitting. The Big Red Barn is not responsible for any action outside or off the Center’s property.
  • There has been some confusion on what to do when calling out/running late. You MUST call AND text your admin group chat so all three of us are in the know!
  • Reminder – the staff newsletter is a mandatory read. If you have any questions please see Kathleen. If there are any tasks to be completed, it is the staff members due diligence to make sure they get completed.
  • We had our FIRST ever graduate at The Big Red Barn! Jacob Miller will be going off to Kindergarten in the Fall! 🎓


              Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss | Goodreads

I Love You Rituals

I Love You Rituals are playful, one-on-one interactions that build loving bonds while increasing attention span, decreasing power struggles and promoting language and literacy at school or at home. These brain-building interactions facilitate optimal development for young children and create lifelong bonds between children and adults.

There will now be an I Love You Ritual on every newsletter! For that entire month, we will be doing the same I Love You Ritual center wide! 🥰

This month, we are going to ease into it and go simple. Below is the I Love You Ritual we will be doing:

On Your Face 

“On your face you have a nose.

(Touch the child’s nose)

And way down here you have ten toes. 

(Starting with your hands on the Child’s shoulders, slide down the child’s arms and then touch or point to the child’s toes)

Two eyes that blink, 

(Touch the child on the temples next to his or her eyes)

And a head to think. 

(With both your hands, gently cradle the sides of the child’s head)

You have a chin and very near, 

(Touch the child’s chin)

You have two ears to help you hear. 

(Touch both ear lobes and whisper something short into the child’s ear. Some suggestions are, “I love you”, “I’m glad to see you”, “I’m glad you’re in my class”. )

Arms go high and arms go low 

[Arms go low and arms go high] 

(Grasp the child’s wrist and hold the arms high over their head; then bring them back down (or vice versa if you’re using the variant line))

A great big hug to say hello [to say good-bye] 

(Extend your arms and give the child a hug)

Variations: The last two lines can be changed as was indicated, depending on whether you are using the rhyme as a hello ritual or good bye ritual.

Here is a video example of this ritual, you can also find this ritual in the I Love You Ritual book on page 107-108.You can do this during greeting/closing circle, you can do it one-on-one with a kid door you can have them do it in partners. The opportunities are endless!

Staff Updates:

Welcome Maisey to our team! We are so excited to see her in our Preschool & PreK program!




Upcoming Events: 

  • Our Chipotle fundraiser is on June 11th from 5 – 9pm. You need to show the flyer or give them the code on the flyer in order for us to get accredited! This is such a great fundraiser that we are planning to use the funds for our grassy field area! So please share with friends and families so that we can try to raise a good amount! LET it be known, Shout it from the mountain tops! 📢
  • Father’s Day Celebration will be on Friday June 14th! Root beer floats with Dad! Please have all father’s day gifts completed by Thursday so that part time kiddos can take them home!
  • Summer Kick Off BBQ – Saturday June 15, 3 – 7PM
  • FIELD DAY! Wednesday June 19th 9:30 -11:30 am! Colby will be here and we will be hosting a field day for all kiddos! Get ready & get excited for a morning filled with hula hoop twirls, obstacle course, water balloon toss and more! All student’s are invited – Part time students can come and participate however their parent must stay and will go home afterwards. We will provide pizza for the kids! 🏃🏼‍♀️🍕
  • Staff Meeting on Tuesday June 25th from 6-8pm. This is MANDATORY for everyone.
  • We will be CLOSED Thursday July 4th in observance for Independence day. We will be open on Friday July 5th.
  • Summer Break Closure 7/22 – 7/26. This is a reset/refresh for all teachers and kiddos! This is an annual closure and will begin our school year!


Staff 🎂

Mr. Scotty | June 28th

Students 🎂

Lukas 6/4, Kenji 6/9, Harper 6/24


Our space is now available to rent!

Please share this information with your friends and families! 

Are you looking for the perfect and private space to host your child’s birthday party? What about your weekend nanny share? Do you need a change of scenery? How about a fun moms night out where your children can explore a new age appropriate environment?

The options are literally ENDLESS! Please reach out if interested in our space. It is available any time on weekends and anytime after 6 on weekdays! Packages start as low as $250. We are a preschool by day, event center by night, and have 4 rooms available for rent, all purposed for different age groups from infants all the way to school aged kiddos. We also have 2 fenced outdoor play spaces available for rent! Contact us at [email protected] to get your event or night out scheduled today!

Clyde’s Corner Tidbit

Early experiences support all future development

Serve and return interactions 

Nurturing experiences for positive development  

New Schedule | 6/3 – 6/14

New Schedule | 5/20 – 5/31

New Schedule | 5/6 – 5/17

Clyde’s Corner | May 2024

Welcome to Clyde’s Corner

 💐  🌸  🌹  🌻  May Flowers  🌼  🌷  🪻  🌺 

Ladies, we are entering our 5th month of operation!  🥳 We could not do this with out the team we have built here! Thank you so much for your time, patience, and dedication you all have brought to the Barn! ♥️

Monthly Updates | Reminders:

  1. There has been a few adjustments to room layouts! Be sure to visit Ducklings & Porcupettes to see their make overs!
  2. Story Time with the Librarian was AWESOME & will take place on the first Monday of every month!
  3. Lamination Bin – anything you need laminated but don’t have time to do it, stick it in the bin and label when you need it and what classroom. This will be checked weekly!
  4. Playgrounds should be cleaned up after every use before coming in, just like your classrooms should be picked up before you go out.
  5. Red Medication Bags – should always be accessible. We strongly encourage you to wear it at all times, even if it is empty. Kids will move up with medication and it needs to be easily accessible from anywhere at anytime.
  6. Blackout Days on the employee calendar means NO more requests off. Either too many staff members have already requested off or no requests off will be granted that day. Please check the staff portal calendar for these blackout dates prior to requesting or booking anything.
  7. Remember if you are calling out, that you must make a call to admin and send a text to your admin group.
  8. T E A C H E R 👩🏼‍🏫 A P P R E C I A T I O N week is May 6th – 10th! We appreciate each and everyone of you ladies 💗 Your dedication and passion to the Barn, your students, families, and each other have been such a sight to see! 
  9. Mother’s Day Celebrations will be held on Friday May 10th at 3:30 PM! Mom’s are invited in to decorate cookies with their little one! 💞Mother’s day gifts must be completed by Thursday May 9th, so that they are sent home with part time students.
  10. Extra clothes – please go through the kiddo’s extra clothes and send home winter clothing and remind parents to bring warmer weather appropriate clothing! *Parents have been notified as well.
  11. Gemini will be conducting formal classroom observations as well as formal Frogstreet observationsHow to Make Memorial Day Meaningful: 7 ... starting this month! Dates have been added in the calendar for these observations.
  12. Please stop by the front desk and let Kathleen know what your favorite part of Clyde’s Corner is or if you have any suggestions!
  13. We will be CLOSED on Monday May 27th for Memorial Day!
  14.  We are now offering rented space! Families can now rent out the Barn for birthday parties, nanny shares, mom/dad night outs! If you know any families or friends looking for a child safe, private, and affordable space to rent for their next event, have they email an inquiry to [email protected]
  15. Staff Day out was so fun! Although we missed Daisy and Jayna!
  16. Looking Way Ahead – Our next staff party will be held on Friday, July 5th! At Kathleen’s house, significant others are invited. More details to follow closer to the date!
Staff Updates: 
  • Welcome Alicia to our team! She has been building amazing relationships with our families in our Toddler program in just a few weeks! If you haven’t already, you can read her bio here.



🥳 Birthday’s 🥳

Staff 🎂

Daisy | May 17th

Students 🎂

 Mack 5/3, Sonny 5/3, Jacob 5/15, Jackson 5/17, Oliver 5/19


Our space is now available to rent!

Please share this information with your friends and families! 

Are you looking for the perfect and private space to host your child’s birthday party? What about your weekend nanny share? Do you need a change of scenery? How about a fun moms night out where your children can explore a new age appropriate environment?

The options are literally ENDLESS! Please reach out if interested in our space. It is available any time on weekends and anytime after 6 on weekdays! Packages start as low as $250. We are a preschool by day, event center by night, and have 4 rooms available for rent, all purposed for different age groups from infants all the way to school aged kiddos. We also have 2 fenced outdoor play spaces available for rent! Contact us at [email protected] to get your event or night out scheduled today!

Clyde’s Corner Tidbit

When adults value and respond to what is good, precious, unique, and exceptional in a child, then the child responds by wanting to be good, precious, cooperative, and caring. 

New Schedule | 4/22 – 5/3